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  • ssniniantriduana

Care for Creation group

The parish Care for Creation group (formerly the eco-group) formed not long before lockdown, initially to restore the rear garden at the church which had fallen into disuse and wilderness. We have since expanded to work with the local schoolchildren who visit for outdoor activities and liturgy; contribute to parish liturgies throughout the year especially for Laudato Si week in May and Season of Creation in September; encourage personal, parish and communal reflection and action for climate justice. We are registered as an eco-congregation and as a Laudato Si parish and are actively working towards Eco-Congregation Scotland awards system.

We meet monthly (1st Tuesday at 7.30pm) on zoom during the winter months, in the church hall otherwise, as advertised in the parish newsletter.

The gardeners meet, weather permitting, on Wednesday mornings from 10am, from March to November. All interested gardeners welcome. The rear garden is open for visitors at this time. It can also be visited when you are here for mass during the week and at the weekend.

Care for Creation group meeting: Tuesday 7th March at 7.30pm on zoom. All welcome. If you would like to join us please email for the link.

Church garden: weather permitting, the gardeners resume this month: Wednesdays from 10am for an hour, two hours….All interested gardeners welcome. The garden is open for visitors on these days in warmer weather.

Open Door dates for March: Fridays 10th and 24th at 12.30pm in the church hall. If you know of anyone who would enjoy a bowl of soup in a warm space and with cheery company, do let them know. No need to book.

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